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Over 14 years ago, we each individually felt drawn to ministry in East Asia before we'd even begun dating.  Through college missions trips in South Korea, we were further directed toward ministry in Asia, and we also saw that God was interweaving our lives as a couple.


While we loved living in South Korea and working at Sooyoungro Church in Busan, we returned to the US and began thinking about investing our lives in ministry, and we were struck with the great need for church planting in areas with little Gospel witness.  South Korea has seen tremendous church growth over the past few decades, and Christians there now outnumber Buddhists.  South Korea sends out more missionaries than any other nation besides the US, an incredible calling for a country of its size.  While we celebrate all that God is doing in South Korea and love every opportunity we get to spend time with Koreans, we realized that God was growing in us a heart of compassion for unreached people groups, defined by missiologists as those with less than 2% evangelical Christian.  As we thought about the importance of investing in areas of the world with little Gospel witness, we felt drawn again and again to the great nation of Japan, just a few hours boat ride to the east of South Korea.







Our Calling




The Japanese are the second largest unreached people group in the world with 95% of its 127 million people having never heard the Gospel.  We believe God is uniting our love for East Asia with our desire to invest in church planting in an unreached people group.  We believe God further confirmed our calling specifically to Nagoya when we met our future team leaders, Wayne and Amy Newsome, and developed a good relationship with them, and through our friend Yasushi, who is from Nagoya.  Yasushi was working on his masters degree in Kansas City for several years, and we met him through the campus ministry ISI; our friendship grew over his time in the US, and we look forward to spending more time with him in Nagoya when we move there. 



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